Taennie ine ♡ I fell in love with the Emperor ♡ 1

القائمة الرئيسية


Taennie ine ♡ I fell in love with the Emperor ♡ 1

 Fate sometimes puts us in situations in which we are unable to move, and the only solution for us is to submit to reality and accept it as it is.

About the French Kingdom of Sylvia, which is ruled by His Majesty King Park Aramis Dylan, married to a woman of Korean origin, Queen Irene. They married through a deep love story that culminated in marriage

The royal couple have two children, the fruit of their love, their eldest daughter, Princess Jenny, who is twenty years old. 

The second son, Prince and Crown Prince Jimin, is seventeen years old 

Jenny, the very beautiful princess who is coveted by all those around her in the kingdom... her father's little moon, as he calls her 

She is faced with a very difficult choice, as she must save her kingdom from the tyranny of Owen Loomis, who wishes to place the Kingdom of Salvaria under his rule. 

Through her marriage to her cousin Owen Liam, whom she hates so much for being a very arrogant and arrogant person, but he fell in love with his arrogance and arrogance and adored her since childhood 

Liam, the ruler of the kingdom of Kali, wants to unite with the kingdom of Sylvia and protect it from the unjust ruler Kim Haejin, so his condition for standing with his uncle was for Jenny to be her father's moon as his wife 

After a lot of pressure, Princess Jenny was subjected to her, but she eventually agreed to marry her cousin Liam, and she was satisfied with the engagement first before marrying him.

She stipulated that their marriage take place after Liam achieves victory over Governor Kim Haejin, and that Salvaria remains under her father's rule. 


In a completely different place.. where the ancient Korean kingdom of Joseon belongs to King Kim Haejin in particular, who is battling disease 

Next to him is his eldest son and heir, Prince Kim Taehyung, with a bronze complexion and masculine, tall and beautiful features. 

Two hazel eyes that rival the color of agate for their beauty and charm 

And thick black eyelashes that increase the intensity and beauty of a manly body with broad shoulders. 

And what increased our prince's handsomeness are those moles that were sprinkled on the details of his face to increase his distinction and beauty from other human beings. 

He was sitting next to his father to check on his health, which had deteriorated for months. The ruling family doctor, Heo, talked about King Hyejin's condition and that it was unstable and could lose him at any moment. 

Queen Swann, upon hearing the news, collapsed in tears, so Crown Prince Taehyung moved and asked her to calm down and told her that his father would recover and regain his health as before.

He knows very well that he is lying to her, but he cannot bear to see her dear and painful tears, so he asks the servants to take her back to her ward and take good care of her.

Upon his return, he found that King Kim Haejin had ordered an immediate and urgent meeting of the kingdom's leaders and ministers. His Highness was disturbed by this matter. 

Because he sees that his father, the king, is exhausting himself and is hasty in his decision, which will announce his coronation as the ruling king after him and handing over the rule to the Joseon kingdom. 

After several hours, the meeting took place in a furious manner, and the council voted to approve making Prince Kim Taehyung the ruler of the Joseon Dynasty and all the kingdoms under his authority.

Because His Highness is of great experience, mature personality, and courage, he is known for his high intelligence, wise personality, fair judgment, and sympathetic treatment of his people in love from his young age, which is twenty-seven years old.

"I declare before you that I, King Kim Haejin, and with all my mental strength, hand over the rule of the Joseon Dynasty to my son and heir, Prince Kim Taehyung... so cheer for him!"

King Kim with difficulty ordered everyone in the hall to kneel down to His Majesty the King and their new ruler 

Your Majesty, Kim Taehyung 

A few hours later, the king was crowned by the president of the council, who put the golden crown inlaid with stone and diamonds on his majesty's head, handed him the scepter of government, and wrapped around his broad shoulders a cloak of dark red color, announcing the new ruler.

"Our new ruler... Your Majesty, King Kim Taehyung... Long live King Kim Taehyung." 

Long live, King Kim Taehyung!

Long live, King Kim Taehyung!

Everyone in the hall cheered their new king, wishing him a just and smooth rule 


After a year

The Joseon Dynasty prospered at the hands of the young ruler, Kim Taehyung, who captured the hearts of his people with his love and compassion for them. 

A just ruler who listens to the problems of his people and works to solve them immediately. He is never satisfied with injustice and greatly hates betrayal and lies. 

All the Mamluks around him joined hands with him and submitted to him and his rule. No one objected to being under the protection and patronage of King Kim Taehyung. 

But as usual for every gay rule, there are those who do not want to submit and surrender, and those who are not satisfied with the acceptance of ruler Kim Taehyung as the ruler of their kingdom 

It is the Kingdom of Sylvia, which raised disobedience and not submitting to the orders of King Kim Taehyung, who refused to be under his rule and authority.

Therefore, His Majesty swore to bring the kingdom of Sylvia under his rule and subject to him the will of its ruler or my father that was his father's wish before his departure and he will make it true 

Whatever it costs 


King Park Aramis, upon hearing of King Kim Taehyung's desire to include his kingdom under his rule and authority, did not object or was not categorically rejecting the idea.

Rather, he wanted to agree to this had it not been for the intervention of his nephew Park Owen Liam in the matter and his corruption, which tarnished his image of King Kim Taehyung in front of King Park 

He told him that King Taehyung wants to declare war on his kingdom if he does not hand it over to him and it will be under his power by force.

Fearing for his kingdom, his people, and even his family, Liam suggested that King Park hand him over to the Kingdom of Sylvia. 

Being able to protect the kingdom from King Kim Taehyung, King Park, from his great fear for his kingdom and his people, preferred that it be under the rule of his nephew, so he did not refuse immediately, but asked him for some time to think about it and its consequences. 

Suddenly and without warning, Governor Park Aramis suffered from a sudden illness that led to him lying in bed for several days.. Then he was found murdered in his bed by a dagger planted inside his heart, which led to his death and his loss forever!! 

The news was shocking to everyone, so without hesitation and deep thinking an immediate council was held by the notables of the kingdom and decided that Park Liam would be their guardian 

Prince Owen Liam was installed to be the temporary ruler of the Kingdom of Salvary because Crown Prince Park Jimin is still a minor and has not reached the age of majority, and he is the fiancé of Princess Jenny and her cousin, he is their guardian for the time being 

Jenny was not that calm and obedient princess, but on the contrary, when she learned that the cause of her father's death was King Kim Taehyung after she caught a literal inscription of his name on the dagger that was planted in her father's heart 

And that he was willing to launch an attack on their kingdom, she decided to take revenge on King Taehyung herself and prepared a plan to implement it, and swore that she would overthrow the rule of King Kim Taehyung and kill him with her own hands no matter what it cost her!

Several days later, Princess Jenny secretly left the Kingdom of Salvary and headed to the Joseon Dynasty to achieve her goal of killing King Kim Taehyung.  

But she was not alone, but was followed by her loyal maid Lisa, who together infiltrated the palace of King Kim Taehyung as the new servants of the palace.

They were enslaved by one of the leaders in the kingdom and placed with the maidservants of King Kim Taehyung's palace. 

To begin a journey of revenge between them! 

three days ago 

Amidst a large ship gathers a group of slaves who were captured and collected from different kingdoms surrounding the great Joseon Dynasty

Its captain stands with his shoulders proudly and contemplating the view of the sea in front of him, to exclaim to one of his followers from the ship's crew, "When will we reach the kingdom of Huan?"

"After three nights, Commander Jin," he murmured, averted his eyes, and turned back. He stepped down from the platform and made his way to the ship's cellar. 

Where the prisoners lie there.. Inside a cold dark place, everything is dimly lit from the fire igniter that was placed in one of the corners 

The people in it are attached to each other because of the cold and fear of the unknown. They do not know what their fate is now

Their ages are different, even their nationalities.. There are children, men and women.. And there is a princess in a corner where she hides herself carefully lest anyone discover her truth and she sticks to her well, her loyal maid, Lisa. 

All he hears is the sound of their trembling breath due to the cold and faint, frightened whispers, praying to God to save them from what is to come.

The fate of women is determined by two things, the young ones in their age, they are placed with the king’s maidservants to satisfy his needs from them and the multiplication of his lineage, and the middle-aged are used as servants inside the royal palace 

As for the elderly women, they are placed in the kitchens and work in any other crafts such as sewing, embroidery and others 

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As for the men, their fate is unknown. Some of them will be considered a traitor to their country and executed immediately, and some are placed in a cell or exiled, so all they feel is fear of the unknown.

And some of them retreat and declare their loyalty to the kingdom and its ruler, so they are recruited with the king’s army. The age is not important, the important thing is that a large number of them gather for recruitment

As for the children, they are placed in nursing homes and used to serve the king and his children if he has a crown prince of the same age.

To be his aid and a helping hand to him when he grows up, as he would have a faithful friend who ransomed his soul for the prince. 

A mocking smile, he looked at them while examining their features, which had become non-existent due to the dirt and filth they had been exposed to due to being dragged and dragged from one place to another.

He gestured with his hands to one of his followers to come to him, bowing his head respectfully, "I command you, Commander."

And he did.. Some of them swallowed their saliva with pleasure and heartbreak by taking one bite of food or one drop of water, so they have not eaten anything since they were captured.

His despicable and provocative smile widened over his mouth to finish eating his apple victoriously in front of their hungry eyes.. He finished it by throwing its remains on the ground in front of them. 

So that they all attack her as if she were a piece of heaven, unconsciously scrambling for the remains of an eaten apple!

It turns into a struggle between two people, causing the commander to giggle loudly at their pathetic state. 

"Idiots," said the commander, then pointed to his subordinate again, shouting out loud to everyone, "Ghoul, bring them food." 

Gul nodded and moved to bring them food as his master had ordered.. The captives were anxious with happiness, their eyes gleamed with joy, and they would finally eat the food. 

He came back a few minutes later carrying the food on a very dirty big iron plate. "Throw it up." He ordered to do what he was told, and he threw the food in front of them on the ground so that they ran to him with hunger as if they were human animals. 

They fight for leftovers.. It was crumbs of stale bread, mold and some rotten fruit.. He couldn't even prepare food. 

Lisa snatched half a piece of that loaf of bread and hid it in her clothes and went to her princess, who was resting her body on the edge of the ship tiredly

"Take your highness, eat this," I whispered to her softly. Jenny raised her head and looked at what her maid Lisa was carrying, who bit her lip shyly and whispered again, "My apologies, that's all I can get..." 

“Stop!!” She sharply ended her speech to approach her and warn her, “Don’t call me Your Majesty or Your Highness, Lisa. We are no longer in Sylvia now.. I am not a princess here.”

Lisa nodded several times and extended her hands to offer a loaf of bread again. Princess Jenny took it from her hands, divided it in half and handed it to her maidservant.

To deny lightly with her head, "No, it's yours, ma'am." Jenny sighed in annoyance, "Stop that and take it." She obeyed without hesitation because she was really hungry.

She picked up that piece of loaf and divided it into a smaller piece, and before she started eating it, she saw a small child swallowing his saliva with hunger and looking at it with regret. 

Jenny smiled at him warmly and signaled him to come to her, but he denied, so she got up from her place and went to him, "Where to?!" Lisa asked worriedly. 

“Wait here!” I left her and went towards the child and came close to him and bent her body to him and offered him that piece of loaf for him to take immediately from her hands and eat it at once.

She couldn't take it any longer, he looked so cute so I scattered his blonde hair and gave him the other piece that was supposed to be hers, kissed his forehead and went back into place. 

"Give it back to me, it's mine, that lady gave it to me, please!" 

He fell silent and did not speak after that, but his lips curved and tears fell in his eyes, weeping with conquest over that dry piece of loaf. 

Jenny bit her cheek from the inside and closed her eyes tightly in annoyance.

I poke his shoulder to turn to her and confidently address her, "Back it to him." 

She raised an eyebrow impatiently, "What are you deaf? I said take her back to him." He laughed hysterically and walked up to her and stood in front of her, spouting his dirty talk.

“Go back where you came from, bitch.” Her features wrinkled in annoyance at the stench of his breath, and she moved her hands to remove his filthy smell from her. 

"I told you to put it back..." Her face turned to the other side because of the slap she received from him, which caused a small wound on her pale lips. 

She moved her thumb to her lips to wipe the blood off her and looked at the man for a long time, raising an eyebrow defiantly. 

Lisa got up immediately and grabbed her hand and whispered, "Please stop, we'll draw attention like this." She noticed the silence of her princess. 

To press the palm of her hand firmly, "Lilac.. Iris.. Cardinia.. Lavender.. Return after me and calm down, please." 

This was her way of getting the princess to turn away her anger and change her mind about killing that big man. She knows very well that if she pounces on him now he will never survive. 

She is a skilled fighter, especially with the small dagger that she hides between her thighs with a black belt that tightens so tightly on him that he does not fall. 

"What are you doing, bitch, are you bringing spirits?!" she said sarcastically, and this did not please Princess Jenny at all. 

She breathed tight, and let go of her hands from between the hands of her maidservant, Lisa, to pounce on him with a quick and startled movement.

The man could only feel that he was on the ground and a small dagger pointed towards his neck was slightly embedded there 

She pulled a piece of loaf from him and returned it to the child to get up again and head towards her with the intention of hitting her again, but Commander Jane condemned him, and she stopped him forcefully. 

She turned to them and looked at them indifferently. Commander Jin swallowed his saliva. He had spotted those two emeralds looking at him sharply and without fear. 

He pushed the man to the ground and stomped on his hands to rumble while making eye contact with Princess Jenny's Emeralds, "We don't hit women here, especially beautiful ones." 

Jenny rolled her eyes in boredom and withdrew from in front of him so he followed her and stopped her by holding her arm tightly, "Oh, your goodness! Are you a human too? Or a mermaid?!"

“Put your hand off me.” I commanded him sharply, forgetting who she was now and what was her position. She blinked several times when I caught sight of the commander’s eyebrows, and then said, “Please.”

He smiled at his sides, "You mermaid." Then he let go of her hand and then extended his hand to her.. She raised her eyebrow in astonishment at his command to approach her whispering "the dagger."

"It's to protect me," he stifled with one palm and looked around the place, then returned his eyes to her and centered them inside her emeralds. 

“No one will catch my presence.” He reached out his hand again. She didn't trust him, and she never would. She fell silent, as if thinking. He repeated his words, "I promise, I will protect you. No one will ever come near you.. I'm here."

With great hesitation, she pulled it out from behind her back, as she was hiding it from him by placing her hand behind her back.. This dagger was a gift from her father to her on her fifteenth birthday. 

It is not easy for her to hand him over to him.. but she thought to trade with him now and get back what she owned after killing him! 

I passed him to him to take her and meditate for a few minutes, then put him around his waist, “Accompany me!” He asked her quietly before accompanying him.

She gestured with her hand to her as a sign that she was fine and there was no need to panic now. 

She walked behind him with confident steps, raising her head proudly and looking at everything she could catch her sweet eyes. She climbed the stairs with the leader who preceded her. 

With his steps, he entered his room, opened the door and gave it to her for her to enter, and she did for him to enter. 

Which was warm and well lit and contained a table of delicious food.. inside it mocked his meanness and stinginess. 

He has enough food for everyone, so why not share his chain of thought with them when he whispered to her, "You can stay here with me." 

She confidently folded her hands to her chest, saying, "No, I don't want to leave, but he stopped her by holding her wrist."

She exhaled angrily but inwardly, "Thank you for your kindness, I don't really want to." He raised his eyebrows and nodded understandingly, but he came closer, wanting to feel her soft cheek. 

 With beautiful pimples, there were some sweet freckles scattered on the joints of her cheeks, passing through her little nose 

He slapped his hand lightly, but he grabbed her tightly and touched her soft skin.

"I'd like to have you, but I'd rather dedicate you to His Majesty the Great King." As soon as he said those words, her emerald opened, which erupted in anger at his speech. 

“Here I am warming you from the outside, so that you can sleep here.” She denied lightly, rejecting his idea completely. “I want to go back to my place, Commander, with the rest there.” 

He raised his shoulder indifferently and did not press her any more. She left the room and leaned against the door to whisper to herself, "A gift for the King, then huh? You all will see what I'm going to do with him and you one by one!"

She ran to her maidservant, who had finished her affairs, to whisper to her to calm down, "I'm fine. Lisa. Take off your dress." 

“Why?” Jenny sighed impatiently, “Just take it off and stop asking.” Lisa did, not understanding what was going to happen. 

The next morning.. 

He opened his brown eyes very slowly, terrified as soon as he heard screaming sounds outside, to immediately remove the cover from him 

"What's going on, ghoul?" asked Captain Jin, still frightened by the commotion and screaming. 

“One of the girls has died and has been thrown into the sea, Commander.” He furrowed his eyebrows in astonishment and approached the edge of the ship to look down there.


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